Finding Customers

Ok - here's what most businesses are really after - MORE CUSTOMERS!

There are lots of things you can do to gain more customers and we're going to talk about those below.  BUT - let us start off by saying that NOTHING will make or break your business more than the quality of your work.

One of the best and easiest ways to get more customers is by doing a job that makes your customers tell their friends about you.  If you exceed expectations, they'll sing your praises.  On the other hand, if your service isn't great, they'll also tell their friends, but in a negative way.

The point is, your quality of work should be your NUMBER 1 focus.
Facebook groups

This might be the MOST Important TIP!

This idea is also under "Social Media" - but it bears repeating here.  Many cleaning businesses have built their business off of this one step:

Join local Facebook groups but not all of them. Some have no rules and it becomes a spam fest. Join ones that let businesses post on certain days.

BUT, don’t just get on and start posting about your business - get involved in the group, help where you can.

Lastly, when you get customers feel the group go ABOVE AND BEYOND! The next time someone is looking for service, your customers will recommend you.

Remember, you want to build friendships, not just customers.

Post Cards/Business Cards

Printing cards and getting them out into your community is still one of the best ways to get your business off the ground.

Ultimately, the key is making sure that potential customers in your area know your business name and cards are a great way to start.

The question then becomes, what's the best way to get them made and then, what do you do with them after you get them?

1.  Where do I get cards designed & printed?

If you can find an affordable LOCAL designer and printer, that's the way to go.  By doing business with local companies, you can often build a relationship that will help you find customers.

If you can't find anything affordable locally, we recommend looking for a designer on - it's a site where you can find a designer online for very low prices.  On Fiverr, be sure to look for low prices, quick turn-around, and GOOD REVIEWS.  Your goal is to find a good value.  There are some amazing designers on there who charge alot and there are some poor designers who charge very little.  The goal is to find a good price from someone who does great work.

Once you have your cards designed, there are alot of low-cost printers online.

Prices vary between printers based on the product being printed.  If you're looking for an affordable printer, drop me a line and tell me what you need and I'll find the best price for you.

One final note - be sure you are EASY TO FIND.  That means, put your number, email, social media, and/or website on your cards.

2.  What do I do with my cards after I get them?

Now that you have your cards, how do you get them out into the community.  Here are a few ideas:

1.  Leave them at the doors of potential customers (do not put them in mail boxes, it is illegal).

2.  Leave them at local business boards around town.  Coffee shops and hardware stores usually have these and you can put your cards there for FREE.

3.  Leave card with customers and just say something along the lines of "If you know anyone who needs our service, I'd love to help."

4.  Try to make connections with realtors and other businesses who may need your services and leave them with a stack of your cards.

Bandit Signs

You've seen them around town - so why not use them to market your business?

Bandit signs are straightforward but can be very helpful.

Design them on and do a Google search for "Cheap Bandit Signs" - there are lots of companies who make them for less than $1 each.

Be sure to check the laws in your city, but do your best to get as many of them out as you can.  BUT - be prepared, some of them will be stolen or even removed by competitors - it's just one of the costs of doing business.

Again - make sure your business name, number, e-mail, or social media are VERY easy to see from the road.
Download (1)

Make a great INITIAL Offer & ask for Referrals

Another great way to find NEW customers is to make them an offer then can't refuse.  Offer new customers a FREE room cleaning, $50 off their first deep clean, or some other kind of offer that is very enticing.

As you get customers, offer them a discount for any referrals they make (see the example above).  You can make a whole separate card, or just use your business card.

You may feel nervous about this at first, but as you push yourself to do it more often, asking for referrals will become much easier and your business will grow!